Design & Branding
Contemporary layouts and designs for following pages:
  • Home
  • Standard Widgets
  • Property Listing - Owners
  • Dedicated Properties Page - Owners
  • Category Listing / Properties Listing
  • Property Detail
  • Property Search Results
  • Shopping Cart
  • Customer Account / Registration
  • Owner Account / Registration
  • Checkout Flow
  • Generic Content Page
Content Management System
  • Create unlimited number of CMS pages
  • Ability to add, edit, delete pages
  • Create Links
  • Link to Documents
  • Page Specific Meta data – title keywords & descriptions
Home / Landing Page
  • Rotating Banners
  • Featured Properties
  • Featured Owners
  • Advertisement & Promotion Area
Owner Page / Listing
  • Displays newest owner
  • Displays featured owner
  • Displays all owners - listed A to Z
  • Dedicated profile page for each owner displaying their avatar image, banner images, name, address, text summary etc.
  • Each owner profile page to have a unique URL
  • Contact << OWNER >> by email - internal mailing system
  • Link to Facebook Profile
  • Link to Twitter Profile
  • Properties Lists - display featured properties which includes Property Image, Property Name, Property Price, Property Location, etc.
  • About - text managed using editor
  • Property Information - text managed using editor
  • Other Information - text managed using editor
Property Listing
Ability to sort properties displayed in content area based on following parameters :
  • Sort By A-Z
  • Sort By Z-A
  • Sort By Lowest Price
  • Sort By Highest Price
Ability to filter properties displayed in content area based on following parameters :
  • Filter By Price
  • Filter By Owner
  • Filter By Area
  • Filter By Amenities
  • Filter By Facilities
  • Filter By Nearby Transport Stations
  • Filter By Nearby Conveniences (Schools, Shops, Churches, Hospitals, etc.)
Properties Management
  • Property / Property variant (such as rooms, parkings)
  • Standard property control process
SEO Management
  • Automated Sitemap Generation
  • Google Sitemap Generation
  • SEO Optimized Pages
Standard Checkout
  • My Account
  • Checkout Module - Billing Address
  • Checkout Module - Booking Confirmation
  • Checkout Module - Payment Options
  • Checkout Module - Receipt
Customer Service
  • Customer Account - Dashboard
  • Customer Account - Bookings History/Rentals History
  • Customer Account - Account Details
  • Customer Account - Billing Address(es)
  • Customer Account - Internal Mailing System
  • Allows existing users to sign in using email address & password
  • Allows new users to register – by collecting standard details
Multi-Currency Support
Allowing customers to view property pricing in different currencies but restricting them to make payment only in the website's default currency, i.e. multi-currency payment NOT supported
Allowing customers to view property pricing in different currencies and making payment in selected currency, i.e. multi-currency payment supported.
Multi-Language Support
  • Ability to display page content in multiple languages
  • Ability to display language specific top navigation
  • Ability to display language specific banners
  • Ability to display language specific side bars
Feedback Management
  • Allow customers to leave feedback on properties
  • Allow owners/landlords to leave feedback on customers/tenants
  • Administrator to approve feedback before it gets listed on website
Ability to define search keywords for properties and displaying results based on search relevance Predictive search drop down - as you type within the search box, auto complete helps you find information quickly by displaying searches (based on search keywords & property name) that might be similar to the one you're typing
Navigation & Filter
  • Search By Property Type
  • Search By Owner
  • Search By Area
  • Filter By Price
  • Filter By Amenities
  • Filter By Facilities
  • News Scroller
  • Feedback Scroller
  • Banners
    - can be used for advertisement & promotion
    - at an additional cost, a banner space can be rented by an owner/landlord to redirect the potential tenant directly to their profile within the site
    - have the ability to display custom elements like latest owners, properties etc.
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Adwords Tracking
  • News
  • FAQ
  • Newsletter
  • Links
  • Contact Us
Property Detail
Email Me When Available – for a property marked as "booked", the user can request an email notification when property is vacant
  • Recently Viewed Properties
  • Related Properties
  • Images Zoom - Big close up image, plus 2 other smaller one(s) - total 3 property images
  • Property Name & Breadcrumb display
  • Owner Company Name / Landlord Name
  • Owner Company Logo / Landlord Avatar Image
  • Owner Company Visit Our Website Link
  • Multiple Property Description - tab based
  • Ratings & Reviews - only registered user can add reviews
Properties Catalogue
  • Unlimited properties
  • Unlimited types
  • Unlimited amenities
  • Unlimited facilities
  • Content managed property/type description – HTML enriched WYSIWYG editor
  • Multiple property images
  • Related properties listing – cross selling
  • 1-click enable/disable switch for properties and property types
  • Ability to change the order of properties
  • Ability to change the order of property types
  • Featured properties
Email Manager
Ability to manage content of all emails that go to customer / owner from the website with flexibility to use dynamic content place holders like $customerName, $orderDetails etc. Internal Mailing System
  • The email system provides each user with a private inbox with read and unread mail count
  • The email system provides each user with a private sent mailbox
  • When a new email is received, the user is notified by an email to their nominated email address
  • The email system only allows internal communications, with email addresses being replaced with a user contact ID. For example, a customer is able to click on a "contact owner" link and an owner/landlord can reply to a customer (only notification emails will be sent externally)
  • The system stores all communications between parties
  • The email system does not allow communications to be permanently deleted by either customers or owners (although they can clear out their in/sent mailboxes)
  • The email system allows site administrator complete access to communications and notification for all users
  • The email system allows site administrator access to delete communications and notification for all users
Order / Booking Management
  • Comprehensive statistics :
    - Number of bookings
    - Number of tenants
    - Bookings by property / best sellers
    - Total bookings
  • Searchable order data
  • Easy to print order data
  • Customer details
  • View bookings and process them – set booking status
  • Suggested workflow for booking management is as follows:
    - The owner/landlord will receive an email notification regarding a new booking
    - The owner/landlord confirms availability and marks booking in the calendar
    - The system allows to print tenant's booking information
    - The system emails the customer letting them know their booking has been confirmed by the owner/landlord and send T&Cs of the booking
  • The system sends out confirmation emails to the customer at each stage of the order process, for example: 1) Booking Confirmed 2) Booking Reminder
  • The system allows owner/landlord to log in and view bookings filtered by status, such as all new, all confirmed etc.
  • The system allows site administrator to login and view new, current and historic bookings for all owners or specific owner
  • The system allows site administrator to login and search for specific bookings, by customer, owner, booking number and property
  • The system allows any lists of bookings to be filterable by status, date, customer etc.
  • The system allows the printing of customer invoices (for a selected customer or by date range)
Add On's - Gift Cards
Buying a Gift Card
  • Customer selects gift card that they would like to send to their friend or relative
  • Type in the recipient's email address
  • Type in the recipient's name
  • Add a personal message
  • Customer can amend gift card details and message when the item is in their shopping bag
  • Gift card is emailed directly to the recipient and a delivery receipt will be sent to customer
Redeem a Gift Card
  • Customer can redeem gift card only on the payment page when making a booking
  • If gift card exceeds the total booking amount, the remaining balance can be used on next booking. So for the next booking, customer needs to use the same gift card code to redeem the remaining balance
  • If booking amount exceeds the gift card amount, customer will have to pay for remaining balance
  • For cases where booking total and gift card amount is equal, customer don't pay anything
Customer - My Account
  • Customer can see all gift card code being used and outstanding balance on card if any
Backend Order Processing
  • In case a refund request is raised, the refund is made straight back to the gift card number
Owner Management
Frontend Owner Registration
  • Allow user to register as an owner/landlord either for free or by selecting membership plan
  • Registration page with standard information
  • Confirmation page displaying registration information and membership plan (if required)
  • Payment module integration (if required) & thank you page
Backend Owner Account Management
  • Owners have the facility to log into their own account, using an email and password combination
  • The system allows owners to store and update the owner/landlord account related fields
  • The system allows for the changing of forgotten username/passwords
  • The system allows owners to add/remove properties to their profile. Any modifications that owners do in properties information does not require approval from Administrator. However, administrator can at any point view or change this information
  • The system allows the owner to set the following property characteristics:
    - Property Name
    - Property Address
    - Property Postcode
    - Property Type
    - Property Amenities
    - Property Facilities
    - Description
    - Upload Images
    - Booking Price
    - Additional information (Transport information, Commodities Information, Floor Plans, etc.)
  • The system allows site administrator to manage membership plan
  • The system allows owner/landlord to see their current membership information and upgrade plans available
Payment Method
Pay online or cash on check in